miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2008

Intermission 2

It's wednesday.

Mood: frustated.
Because I have so many things to do and so very little time, and I'm not in the mood for writing papers, or anything really.
And I've been locked in my house and not going anywhere and stopped caring and left things to rot and there's a plate with a rampant army of ants which I left unchecked and now I have to take care of it, although it's not a task at all, but still.

Anyhow I manage to stay focused and positive and centered and optimistic because these past days have easily gone fast, and I want Friday to arrive soon.
And there's so many things that keep my mind busy, which has been quite good and as long as I keep this mode, I'm fine.

But, something's bugging me
And I'm not sure why --


I've been told that I have to be grateful with what I got, and not greedily covet for more.
And I am.

But who is to blame, really?

The weather is ok although I've seen better.

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