domingo, 28 de febrero de 2010

The Need

I would chose to live in your stomach but the need is not at your hands,
needless to say the need is not at your eyes.
Then, the joy is not at my tongue, because your skin is not the first thing I see when I open my eyes.

You can do anything, regardless of your beliefs.
Today and forever the stones are moving relentlessly and I bite bricks again.
If GIRL ever nears herself around our street, I will lower a gun at your threshold.

She can go to the other side, where Perpetua bleeds misery.

jueves, 25 de febrero de 2010

Soul Wasp

Your sympathy died at my tongue, today your cold at your sunrise.
In my coast I say "Did we?

Stranded, I want your coast to be enraged. To throw the woman outside as your milk finds its way back home,"

because the word slayed the cards we thought had gold.

The monsters are eating from the trees and all the bananas fell.
I find it hard to explain, but the rain is doing all the work for us.
Whilst your banana smell fell short, I crazily wrangled through vast haze, out of my way for your soul.

Is it in your hands?
When you find it hard to explain the rain will find its way back there.
if you have any luck left
if I have any luck left
Who can say I'm not in your thoughts?

"If there's any luck left"

Your soul, I didn't see you in good ways this evening
but your candle up and thrilled said you will know whenever you decide to shoot your masters
with our own Chinaberries, eating from the trees.
Singing: "days that I long."

domingo, 21 de febrero de 2010

Soul Loomed

I don't know about you, where your hand meets the eye.
Do extend to your beliefs, as I open my mouth to say whatever you think.
I was safe, I was there at my best.

Does your medicine work?

"But you're not an impostor."

I walked the streets with my language and my native blossoms seven inches above.
Your haze, a light that maybe vanishes (or would chose to stay)

domingo, 14 de febrero de 2010


I want to say Clemence is the creature you need to save, look out and grab and twist.
The facts were there.
On my tables my heart pounded, miraculously I saw the birds in this twisting blood,
Guts they shared.
Cheap souls, they grabbed the gold, fantastic.

"And unbelievable", I said, myself a honeysucker that does not unveil the possibilities.
Today you won the match, as a surprise our days collided.

Clemence, angel
"But today the gun is easily oiled."

If she's a freak of nature, I will swallow my own words, as the ache would.
On this, your law, I don't crave any manners.
Manners are left, sufficience on your tongue to save the girl that eats from your silver tree.

To Clemence, once a sacrament.
When will the day come?

Days are balmy, and find their way back.
The sin being inland, or not.

martes, 9 de febrero de 2010

Yak Lace

For your bones to hand themselves, wish there would be an accidental potion,
the wish is at my tongue.
Today I'm lured as the natural grace brought you over at '97 and backing your juices up.
I'm stepping on Virginia, for my sake.
You would not, you'd swallow her Paradise.

I will taste the pavement,
I will praise your genius.
I will throw Brigida under the bus.
Beneath your weather.
Backing up rhymes.

Help me.

lunes, 8 de febrero de 2010

Nations are Trapped

The seeds are growing,
the fishes are warm.
Foremost today our sky has been jeopardized.
This clowns have severed limbs.

Mother-of-thousands, barbarian, open-heartedly cries at this war of nerves and we haven't been the same ever since.

"It tasted"

I'm deaf at this craving.
There. sweet. the law.

I want to be able to cry above The Tree Of Oswald.
Elsewhere, crying

at your invisible bottom.