sábado, 13 de diciembre de 2008

As a way of concluding and obliterating the uncertainty.

Should I?


And, sure enough, the look on my face eradiated a beam of light as you uttered the words I was longing for, and along with them came an automatic pattern which caught me off guard, even though I knew it would come,

but, in a form of polite contentment, (which was, after all, the only way I was able to showcase what I felt) I quickly packed the rest of my things and I left because,

there were no other issues to be unveiled.

And I took it for granted, which was the proper thing to do.

So, I left,
and I was amazed at how quickly things vary, in such little time.
From the perspective I'm taking place (the side I'm discussing, always being aware that there are plenty of views, whether it's viewed from an academic way, personal way, environmental way, etcetera) everything seemed like a void, unclear and blurry
And now everything was on the table and everything was so palpable and one could see the future, so to speak.

And, now
I was

just ok.

Knowing that there is hope, even when you no longer think it will.

Anyways, this whole matter is starting to be very much tongue-in-cheek. And I see it more as a way of enjoying, and being sarcastic, and making fun of me, and never taking life seriously, and proving things to myself, and keeping secrets, (to get to say: "I know something you don't", like a child would) and feeling the thrill and the frostbite propelling upon, and acting, and hiding things whilst I smile to myself, and saying "if only you'd know", and that is quite rewarding for I've grown apart and changed so much this year, it is rather ironic, funny, yet amazing.

What's left to do?


For I've seen the blueprints, and each step I've memorized.
It goes like this: I wait, I see, I leave, I return, I see, I leave for good, the drought starts, the drought ends. I return, you return, and I will have flashbacks of mid-year.

Blame me, I find funny how life works.

Water had never tasted so good.

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