sábado, 24 de julio de 2010

Ended Ocean

Love in every corner,
in dark places, inside
of the sun. Oh praise
the lord. Love is here,
at your afterglow. Is
a fist that holds a bird
A tongue that licks the
dust that had the grace
to sweep your feet.
I am here because I know
that love has carved us
inside a sculpture, in the
roots of my foster people.

Come to see, daughters
and sons. I have made
the difference in your
But the show is over,
Love bites and breaks
the roots. Foster nature.

Come to the rescue after my
roots have fallen and the
distance from my heart

is longer than the distance
from this tribe to another.

Love swims across silver rivers,
wraps itself
in egyptian feathers and I can
see you
smiling if we are lucky enough
to have poetry outpouring our

Every luxury seems less outstanding
than your face. How painful.

miércoles, 21 de julio de 2010

Your Day

You don't mean to say 'thank you' but
you have been blessed and wetly woven like the breeze.
I can trust you when you say you haven't seen a sea of fire, or even
water drinking from the sand.
(To this I can tell you are sad.)

When you speak, my food vanishes under a heavy sun.
You suggest that every master fools its puppet, I can agree but this day is dense and heavy.
It's difficult to blink fast.

Be careful, I think I have heard something strange down that road.
If you go there, think of me.

To your arrival I will be standing on the biggest hill, with a giant flag.

"The eyes overflow in lava.
You need to wipe the lava off, if you want to see what's best for you.
The guaranteed intelligence of the raven makes the tables turn when you begin to understand the reason for the color of its feathers."

when did he say this, and what does it mean?

jueves, 15 de julio de 2010

I Am Inside The Belly Of A Whale

I was looking for a treasure, a fossil and a hammer.
To escape I have to set fire to your tongue, but the fire lives outside of the whale.
I try to wade, searching for energy underneath this wise son.
A shade moved behind this infinite cavity.

I wonder if you believed what I said: "The ice is melting"
You didn't seem to, you were sliding jokes between covered coughs, but you looked strong, with a western flavor.

A native hero.
And then I understood:

"I've been here before.
Jonah, this is happening again."

You ran towards a sunrise, but Nineveh needs your words.
They need to stop eating ice and this is what you are going to do:
- Spread the right word, but do it with one eye open and
one shut, so they really know what you're talking about.
- Make Cassandra eat her own guts, by playing a gently tune.
- Elevate us with romance and an injury to our hearts.
- Slip, avoiding any logical sense of whatever awaits after the dive.
- Be careful when your diving down, avoiding the teeth.
- Repent when you begin to underestimate this dark view, from outer land.

domingo, 11 de julio de 2010

Come Sky.

Sky, come and make me.
Come true, the sea has anger in his waves.
I have heavy boots but Johnnie laughs like a horse.

His shelter is hidden in Serbia, I don't know why.

The sea indulges this outpour.
All the bets are on Mary,
on blue-eyed Mary.

Straight around, the corners are flooded and I walk still.
I see St. Agnes rubbing a diamond, hoping it turns into a rose.
I begin thinking about Mary.
Where is she today, and what makes her a rose?

Come to see Oswald falling into her bloom, falling into perverse hands
(through the sea and I'm not judging.)

Maybe I have envy, if I have fallen into this puzzle.
To this, your hands are not in the right position.
Your bets make me sad.

She's beautiful and full of grace.
White, well-rounded and well-to-do.
She starts where the white flowers blossom, ends with the wind.
What garnishes her? What is behind all this?
She has said before that she believes in love:

"To your actions I've harden myself, today I turn against the love I feel."

Her tears are white in autumn.
Perfume of Autumn.
And Cinammon Leaves.

Sky, give me answers.
If she's sinless, then what are the odds?
What do you think?
I think she's happier down at the core of the Earth.
Inside a cave of coral reefs, diamonds and icey water.

She's fool. She can indulge her self, with whatever the sea gives her.
Come see the waves hit the sand.
The sand is cold.
Do you miss me?
Like Egyptian carpets that once graced floors
but never seized the skies above all legions.

miércoles, 7 de julio de 2010

Gospel Sun

Paul standing at the top of the castle in a tower, reading:

"I love you today.
I'm greedy at this, I want you.
My heart overshadows my thoughts, I don't see well.
I don't care what's ahead.
The road has fog, what do I know?
The valley needs water.
When it's dark I ask for light, in the woods and
inside your heart.
I can browse inside your heart.
What else is eating my body?
The distance,
carbon, courage,
flesh and steel.
Fluids match on top of a Gospel sun.
I can feel if I close my eyes (the sun)
Don't wash your clothes.
I will eat them and
I can deal with

martes, 6 de julio de 2010

Traffic Light

You stormed out of the room, an ocean.
You're wanted.

Beyond needing you, I hold on to one memory, cold as Alaska.
The truth is that feathers were supposed to soar at that mountain.

And you stormed out of the room, an ocean.
You're needed.

Before wanting you, or feeling you here, I feel uneasiness.
This voodoo would rather spare some time at the mistress' house.
To play her.
Make her yours but make me mine or make her ours but make me yours as well.

Come closer, Blueberry.
I beg.
Clear this atmosphere.

But wait until it turns red.

jueves, 1 de julio de 2010

Tubular Heart

Steadily, my day ends 'neath the covers and you're elsewhere.
I can't have what I want.
My faith runs under our feet as I begin to see this.
Tubular heart, mind of dust.
You're not laughing, instead you're trying to pour the entire sea into a hole of sand, I wished.