martes, 22 de junio de 2010


Father, as the day begins to wipe its tears I look everywhere for the answer.
Why do you hate me?
if my hands tremble
if I blink in front of your eyes

The grass is green today, for me.
Don't look at the clouds, your heart is not in the right place yet.

Life has its heavy eyelids on me.
You were different, I remember.
Your galaxy ends in euphoria where mine begins.
Where are you?

Mother is suffering.
My thoughts are deep in a hole.
Today I'm frightened.
I thought I would celebrate life,

instead I find myself wiping tears again.

1 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Digamos que me gustó y a la vez me puso triste, hasta cierto punto me identifico.
Está muy lindo, muy humano, demasiado emocional y parece un desahogo en un mal momento, pero es mejor dejarlo salir que dejarlo dentro.
Es corto y dice lo que tiene que decir, me gusta que sea algo real y cotidiano.