domingo, 20 de junio de 2010

How To

How to get you?
I'm waiting for you to get cheaper.

You're a tough cookie, there's a ghost in your cloud where I can't enter.
Sometimes you hide the light of the moon, and the lake doesn't sing as beautiful anymore.
I don't believe in this darkness.

You need to run away from yourself.
I ran when I looked at the architecture of your soul.

Disappointment meets our eyes.
And the wolves bark at the moon.

1 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Me gustó demasiadooo!!
You're a tough cookie, there's a ghost in your cloud where I can't enter esta parte está buenísima.

Creo que a todos nos ha pasado que nos interesa alguien, que parece genial y de cerca se vuelve tan común y tan plain.
Como que uno quiere dejar esa idealización del principio, pero cuando conoces la verdadera personas decis "mierda, era mejor en mi mente"