jueves, 3 de junio de 2010


Before you do it, make sure your variegated thoughts can leave a mark.
You explain. "I do as I'm told."

Welcome, you are in peace now.

Go and cast the water like a snake would, holding a stick up-in-the-air.
Beef and sweat to make the water unclean.

But as you raised your mouth to the sky, you said the following:
"For the waters to remain unclean, you need to cut the skin of the snake first."

What does that mean?
At the end you are
Convex on one side,
Concave on the other.

1 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

me gusta la idea de ser diferente, de tener 2 lados, aunque la mayoria de las personas tenemos varios prismas.

make sure your variegated thoughts can leave a mark esta buena esa frase.