sábado, 19 de diciembre de 2009


Misery you are here to stay but someone needs to fight the bull.
The joy lost the world again, where are we heading if our feet keep threading different paths?

Join the second wagon, because this kisses that I'm seeing are made of desert's dirt.
Never thought they'd be so cold.

"I have a naked eye, a bull tongue and seven hundred years of yearning",
she suggested.

"Come here I'll make sure our feet stay off the ground."

Play another tune.

River, river
Raviolli Romina!,
Rivera's Rice!

Venus sat there screaming from DELAWARE'S VIEW:

"O misery, you came and our chidren started leaking blood, what are you doing to us?!"
She will come to see, very soon.

O, misery
you're grabbing disappointment by the hand, keep it tight down there.

I wish you could see it for yourself,
you would leak your eyes out if you could feel this too, ginger fella.

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