miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2009

Blue Lineage

At least this crow ate cold food.
You should not have been out there, out of your way trying to find microwaves for this defeated Mona Lisa.

She's lost in plain wind, a bird that once knew our lineage well, knew the wood was fresh.
And knew the food was waving, miraculously warm.

"This is not fair", Helga grimaced.

"In this town their hands are tied, Mrs.
The train (life) is leaving.
Come join aboard, one could say your lineage can do better once you sit down."

Her best qualities are being enhanced. That is what you wanted
and you're far, you can't touch our gold.
Your arms are interwoven by our mind, our guilt.

I don't see grey, I'm seeing blue.
Thank god she ate the food cold.

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