miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2009

the Bottom Bell

And because your private fantasy is that of the ancient man that longs the lips of a new girl, she said:

"When the ripeness is warm and dull: that's when you know the children are hiding.
Open the lava faucet it's alright to let the drops hit the pavement."

You said: "it aches the bottom bell and I don't find the sanity in it"

I clearly knew. I knew mate.
I couldn't trust the drawings.

Hands of vanilla
and a sky holding the sunburst

The faucet is broken

but she said "trust the faucet"

So you burst out and did it

And what a blast she had.

1 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Hands of vanilla
and a sky holding the sunburst

kudos to that mate! esa frase está excelente! me encantó <3