miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

Problems, Choices.

With drops of sarcasm from me, you made a choice.
A wonderful choice that elevates you.
You looked from your shoulders and down, I don't need to go any further.
Your blood is rather different, the ground can stomach different behaviors and you haven't been on this other side.
Oh well, your voice as a feather, sang repeatedly.

I'm smart, I swayed the wings and knock the tails out of my system.

We're on a sun that sways with us, the choices you made have made me shiver.
Stay with me.
Don't shake hands with this town.
Let's leave.

Tomorrow I can sense a sky with orange clouds.

1 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Me gustó la primera parte, me sentí identificada.
Especialmente eso de "you haven't been on this other side" los sentí como una defensa hacía alguien que juzga sin saber.

La segunda parte no la entendí tanto