sábado, 17 de abril de 2010

Oswald Can Read

In order to jump, you need to foresee the ground you will be landing on.

Amen, Oswald. I swallow my pride for your sake.
I don't know any other ways to say this, and you haven't showed your weaknesses either.
"he won't tell us."

Veronica knew she was stepping on dangerous ground, even before you.
She made a sacrifice, she said, "hoping-the-wheels-wouldn't-turn-on-me."

She climbed and stood on a leash, reading two-sided verses to you:

"Love, our future ends."


The bells swayed themselves, I didn't take part in this but Veronica was a Seamless Bell.
You couldn't tell.
Now you go walking single-handed again, wondering the source of
Veronica Antoinette's dissapointment.

If you'd only knew.

Stay exactly where you are, without claiming whatever you think belongs to you.
Glance to the right, where Veronica lies dead, blaming this on Love.

With such a warm split.
A sunwash of your soul, Oswald.
You need to listen first.

1 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Veronica y Oswald = nuevos personajes?
Está muy interesante la historia :)