miércoles, 21 de julio de 2010

Your Day

You don't mean to say 'thank you' but
you have been blessed and wetly woven like the breeze.
I can trust you when you say you haven't seen a sea of fire, or even
water drinking from the sand.
(To this I can tell you are sad.)

When you speak, my food vanishes under a heavy sun.
You suggest that every master fools its puppet, I can agree but this day is dense and heavy.
It's difficult to blink fast.

Be careful, I think I have heard something strange down that road.
If you go there, think of me.

To your arrival I will be standing on the biggest hill, with a giant flag.

"The eyes overflow in lava.
You need to wipe the lava off, if you want to see what's best for you.
The guaranteed intelligence of the raven makes the tables turn when you begin to understand the reason for the color of its feathers."

when did he say this, and what does it mean?

1 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Ay, me gusta como empieza, eso de gratitud.
Me imaginé el desierto, (por la areana) y agua con sabor a limón. Pensé en labios resecos y polvo en los ojos.
Pensé en alguien perdido en el desierto de manera simbólica, alguien que busca el significado de muchas cosas, alguien con dudas...