miércoles, 2 de febrero de 2011

Sorrow For Two Voices

Thank you.
You held me around the square,
as I began to think about spring as a kid.

Everything was warm and familiar.
It tasted like blueberry pies and
smelled like
rain on the ground.

There you were
not only around my ears
but around me
and again
I grabbed the guitar and
traded my bed for a pair of drums.

I have been
ever since
inside of blues
and rock of

There is nothing we can do.
We grew away and the wind carries our
bad thoughts
rather our
memories stay embedded in the heart.

1 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

¡qué lindo!
es como de los recuerdos de la infancia y de como crecemos... ¿quién no se ha puesto a pensar en eso?