martes, 29 de junio de 2010

Romina's Essence

The Blue River frost opened your eyes, you poured yourself out of bed.
What goes through your mind?
I'm not looking.

You probably did not have breakfast today.
I took my trash outside, too.

Here we work not for food or money, but as you made a promise I
promised I would make one as well.

What is the gypsy lady humming?
"You have white corn around you, a feather dressed as a blade."
By all means she tries to show me you're corrupted but filled with desire, on the same loop over and over. I don't want to pay attention.

You lift your right hand, to lower your other hand backwards.
Your left hand hides from view and I pretend I didn't see this.

She has hidden a voodoo doll inside a vase filled with Romina's Essence:
blue saffron, thyme and rosemary.

I don't need to like you.
But let's wait for the words to arrive inland.
Meanwhile let's analyze how much of a betrayal is this.
Are Montana's mountains bumping with skyscrapers yet?

Everything is packed but the suitcase is hidden.

1 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Está interesante, al principio como que habla de cosas cotidianas y comunes.
Your left hand hides from view and I pretend I didn't see this. esta parte me gustó mucho. Es como esconder algo que ya es obvio, es dejar de ver con los ojos y ver con el cerebro y el alma.
She has hidden a voodoo doll inside a vase filled with Romina's Essence:
blue saffron, thyme and rosemary.
Me gusta, desde que leí Romina, pensé que sería interesante y diferente.