viernes, 22 de enero de 2010

A Good Leg

"Careful, at Alaska's Bar.
Don't get too involved with these beautiful dolphins" she said,
gliding disguised in half-strained epilepsy.

Words were craving desire, now and then.
Try to bundle-off, you will roll smoothly off our tongues, the saints are at ease but forlorn.

"The mud's been building up and you go and watch your step." (as a foreshadow)

"Oswald has a navel", I bestowed.
Way deep inside of this horizon I am beginning to see the outcome.

As she whispered "move left", you steadily put all your money on the thief, confident.

It was not a wise move and today we all see.
All the same, you 'were' a good leg to back up on.

1 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Mi hizo pensar en deseos ocultos, pero muy profundos.