sábado, 4 de julio de 2009

You were made of wood.

Fair enough, if this is how you thrive, then:

Your intellectual side cannot compare to the side you have brought forth
And if I, carried, am aware of this, this should be an easy task:

You have brought forth mountains and water, sure
What else?
Shadows of pine trees.
Therein lies the issue:

Sure your marrow grows effervescently and has been under my nose all this years,
how did I not see?
Would I trade this?
Would I differ in seek?

I simply knew this beforehand.

A row of arrows, have-they-been-fired-yet?
If not, they will never cease.

Atop your biggest intentions lies fear, mate.

But, what were you made of seven years ago?
I can't wait to find out.

I wouldn't say we have yet to consume,
I wouldn't say we have been consumed for the last time, either.

1 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

de lo que he leído, éste es mi favorito, por mucho, no sé.. me sentí identificada..
"Your intellectual side cannot compare to the side you have brought forth" esta línea me fascinó no sé por qué, tal vez no entienda mucho lo que escribís, pero me llama la atención, es diferente, muy original :)
lo que importa es el sentimiento, escribir para uno y siempre habrá alguien que te entienda o te admire

cheers to you, mate