lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2008

Yield inversion

Configured in such a way that thou does neither feel nor crave.

Caress in bloom, device in sleeve.

Submitting the riddle.
Clipping wires.
Twisting nuts.
Consulting, when in doubt.
Enduring (as possible) the blatant sound of metal cutting.

Summoning back the roots.

The task : imposed, as it is.

Set to the transmitter,
who is in charge of delivering the message to thee. Wading.
Seeking the final and most important element.

A warm welcome, from the incidental dwellers, towards the guest.

Eventually, it is generously given to thee, by them.

As moss in rusty pipelines.
It stubbornly re-growths : over and over.

Unbiased to what thou were told, in a beginning,
reviewing the logical aspect of the undertaking,
thou return, muddy-feeted,

And the scientist joyfully welcomes thee.

The most effective acantha-like marrow spurs on thy back.
Gratitude goes to thyself.

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