-el momento en que el Águila
Nadie tenía ojos tan cálidos,
ni siquiera el universo,
o el multiverso cercano.
1. The boy is not a man in the desert.
Darkness is not to be confused with evil.
He that is sinful amongst ourselves, let him first CAST A STONE in the middle
of a raining Black Hole.
Science drew a triangle and answers were achieved.
2. Those who cast the stone definitely increased possibilities of being hunted (or aroused)
Is the question that drew from the answer a crucial question per se?
The love that is carried away through blossoms and brightness truly drowns the Wintergreen that spread like wildfire around the Garden.
Persephone stood up and smiled: "Let's not return to the Garden."
Let us not indeed.
A sudden awake from reality drives me and pulls me down-to-earth, up-to-the-toe
and I am getting close to finding an answer.
3. A variegated revelation:
It is not Midnight when the sea is aligned with the Pendulum at the turn of the Century.
Leave the petals astray.
Men astray in Constanza Midnight.
Darkness is not to be confused with evil.
The space is withdrawn within its Black Hole. Science-Fiction at its best and I have not been the same ever since.
Brain? Fried. Demented.
The revolution begins at the Nectar of love that is
allegedly found at The Photon Band.
Yes, dry. Quite dry there.
Tarantulas all over the ropes that held the horses. (Allegedly)
I stood on the Good law, on the Sheriff's side, becoming (soon) the ONLY side.
On Barren's Edge,
Where the streets appear only on the Sheriff's map,
where the tumbleweeds scrape the surface OF THE HORSES RANGE there is a dusty cliff and he can see the ocean from there.
Who again.....................................................?
you wouldn't know and he tied a horse around his shoe.
Upon the Sheriff's village.
Yes, a village: a new open branch: tainted.
Such molasses falling and falling thick and slowly drowning the tongue of the Sheriff.
A witch ran across the village,
chased with the fire nearing...
The fog and the sea on her side.
Burn the witch. Burn the witch. Burn the witch. Burn the witch. Burn the w-
Again, the sea on her side.
On the Good side: please, no longer the Sheriff's side.
A black fog around her whispers:"Forlorn is not the rose that wraps the single thorn around the Horse's leg.
Forlorn is the rose that is genuinely dropped sixty-seven times from the cliff that holds a golden Badge in its dusty ground."
All in all for the better,
the salt in the sea and a big love the leaves the honey astray.
There was a forest in which I
sunny, sun with the dirt
some other balmy hearts
across the black lava
that held your bosom
and helped your cross
around the multiverse
walked, steadily and blocking the dusty rays of the sun.
How strange, a forest that held a barren sun rather than a barren heart.
I'm all in all a better soul,
atop the sacred tears that have divided tangerine love,
in the middle of that sunrise I suddenly found an answer.
"It spreads, like rivers from my African belly."
Was the old lady foreshadowing a betrayal?
I turned my back at the sun.
There might be better clouds ahead,
above the orchard
where my baby used to play the blues.
Apples, and pepper and I'm already there, back there.
But the orchard vanished: a mirage.
Another unfinished tale.
I saw a man running a knife through a tree.
I looked again.
No one.
I was a pillar of salt.
Lot, where are you?
I turned my back at the sun
and Amy withdrew her eyes from the meadow because the rain had drowned her sunrise.
taking a stand
from democracy
or delicious sunsets.
You seem to
read through water
deep in oil.
Never for me, for
that fold themselves, (hidden)
and seduce your senses
but they (then) trigger
and like big
drown you and leave you to rot.
I always knew BETRATAL had a somewhat blue hue.